I Got A Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in the Real World, Too

By: Kazuomi Minatogawa


This review is based on volumes 1-3 (chapter 1-14)


Yuuya Tenjou was fifteen years old and bullied since he was little—just for being ugly. But one day, he found a door to another world. Traveling between an alternate reality and the real world, Yuya turns his life around!


I Got A Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled In the Real World, Too follows the story of Yuuya Tenjou, a high school student that is horribly bullied because of how he looks. He has no friends and even his own family doesn’t care about him. The only person who cared was his grandfather, who passed away and left Yuuya his home and everything in it. His parents happily kicked him out and made him live there alone. His life changes when he finds a hidden room in his grandfather’s house and a strange door in the room. The door leads him to another world, one that almost acts like a video game. Yuuya defeats a powerful enemy with a legendary weapon he finds and instantly levels up to 100. When Yuuya returns to his world, his body completely changes and his life seems to finally be coming together!

Yuuya, even after his transformation, has low self esteem and doesn’t think anyone wants him around. However, he’s still quick to put himself in harm’s way to help others that are in danger. That quickly endeared him to the people around him. He is quickly making new friends and slowly starting to believe that he is wanted by them. He is a very likable character and I do look forward to seeing the character grow. There are already three girls interested in Yuuya and I’m sure there will be more. The girls are all likable and were saved by Yuuya which is what made them fall for him. Kaori, a classmate of his and Miu, a model in his original world and Princess Lexia, in the fantasy world. 

The art for the series is nice. The characters are all designed well and the darker expressions on the character’s expression (anger, disgust, etc.) are done so well. The fight scenes are all drawn with great detail and we get an adorable mascot character in volume 3 that I absolutely love, he’s drawn so well. 

Overall Thoughts:

I Got A Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled In the Real World, Too is an enjoyable manga to read. While someone gaining video game like powers is nothing new, this is one of the first that I’ve read where the main character can easily travel from his world to the magical world. I’m not sure if this could really be called in isekai, but it does share a lot with them so it might as well be. Yuuya is a very likable main character and you feel good seeing his life improve. Even with all his growing power, he’s still humble (even still thinking badly of himself) and protects the people around him. You will find yourself cheering for him. 

I would recommend this manga to fans of isekai or people who like to see underdog characters rise up. There’s are some romance in this series, with maybe more on the horizon. Also fans that like video games like manga or simply manga with a lot of action would enjoy this one. I highly recommend it, there’s a lot to like in this one. 

And as a side note, I recently watched the anime of this light novel and yeah, it is not done well. I won’t do a whole review for it since it’s the same plot. I’ll say the plot doesn’t flow as well as the manga and the animation is very sloppy. They use 3D models constantly and it’s terrible looking. It’s also lazy since it’s used for simple scenes like a character talking, not just fight scenes. I wish they had given this series more love for the anime. So I would recommend skipping the anime and reading it instead. 

Manga Score: 

Story: 8/10

Art: 7/10

Characters: 9/10

Overall: 8/10

Anime Score: 

Story: 5/10

Art: 2/10

Characters: 8/10 (they aren’t as in depth as the manga)

Overall: 5/10

2 responses to “I Got A Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in the Real World, Too”

  1. Anime series is a disappointment

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It really is, which was a shame since I did enjoy the manga

      Liked by 1 person

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