I’m The Catlords’ Manservant

By: Rat Kitasuni


This review is based on volumes 1-4 (chapter 1-18). The complete series


Izumi Yukihara, high school second year. His life is completely average-until a series of misfortunate events turn his life upside down. As if losing his parents weren’t enough, he’s saddled with their massive debt and forced to relocate to a new residence. On the bright side, the owners of his new residence offer him a chance to repay his debt…by serving cats?!


I’m The Catlords’ Manservant follows Yukihara after his parents pass away while on vacation. His father had taken out a massive loan that caused them to tear down his house and leaving Yukihara homeless. All his father left him with is a key and a note telling him to go there when he needed help. When he gets to the house he finds five men living there, who all knew Yukihara’s father. However, these aren’t normal men. They are actually Bakeneko, shape-shifters that can go between cat and human form. The head of the household makes a deal with Yukihara, that they will take over his father’s debt and let Yukihara live with them if he serves them as a servant. Thus starts Yukihara’s life as the Catlords’ manservant. 

The characters are all very likable. Yukihara is a hard working high school student who at first just wants to have a normal life, but he does warm up to the cats slowly as the series goes on. Then there’s the cats. Miyako is the head of the household and a math professor. He is very smart and serious. Next is Kyou, he works as a host and thinks he’s beautiful in both forms. Tohru isn’t seen for a while at first because he locks himself in his room. Akira is the hyper one of the group and Susumu is untrusting and nervous around others. Each of the cats have moments in the series where you see hidden sides of them and understand why they are the way they are.  

The art for this series is very nice. I love all of the character designs and the cat forms are adorable. You can tell what they’re thinking easily by their facial expressions. The backgrounds are surprisingly detailed for a light hearted basically slice of life series. 

Overall Thoughts:

I’m The Catlords’ Manservant is an enjoyable comedy slice of life manga. I loved all the characters and I personally think the fact it’s only four volumes does wonders for the series. It stays just as long as it needs to without dragging out the story with pointless side plots that add nothing to the series. The plot is pretty simple with Yukihara getting to know the cats, but it is pretty heartwarming even though it’s simple.

Overall I would recommend this manga to cat lovers of course as well as people who want a heartwarming slice of life story about family and bonds. It’s a short read with only four volumes, but like I said I think it’s the perfect length. Any longer and it would have grown boring without any real conflict. So if you want a sweet short story with talking transforming cats, then check out this series. 

Story: 7/10

Art: 9/10

Characters: 10/10

Overall: 8/10

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